How am I supposed to play when it is turned over?
I can't tip the ice berg and the hand pointed at me
The box is so hungry?
Kiosk99, the spy... Better be careful
Hmm... Will the box answer?
I am going to be blind living in this igloo
They have been playing for hours! |
My coffee! Its been taken by aliens!
Greedy puffles...
That orange puffle stole my cookie!
I was stuck with them...
Help! I'm stuck!
lazy puffle...
They are gossiping about me!
Hmmm... Does it look like me?
I'm gonna die if that green puffle keep on moving around!
So much to feed.. Who is feeding them?
That fish is still alive!
Club Penguin gave me a newspaper i can't read...
I’m was too hungry that i ate Rockhopper's flag...
Kiosk99 goes sledding while surfing.
Great, I caught all gray fish, but I wanted yellow ones!
I saw Fred the cuckoo clock for the first time, a moment I will probably forget.
It’s Kirby from Nintendo!
Who would adopt this puffle?
Kiosk99 has no friends. He needs some.
Looks like the Sensei just got owned.
Don’t you hate when this happens to you?
Club Penguin really expects us to swim in this?
I had to convince Gary that his idea wasn’t going to work.
I did so good in Catchin’ Waves, they didn’t have a score to give me.
What ever happened to using worms?
Cart Surfing is really dangerous!
It have been stuck forever!
Drowning Penguin…
I own a ninja puffle!
Animated Dancing Penguins!
Gone Racing…
Never ask how to dance with a newspaper…
The hi-jacked Lamborghini: