Friday 25 March 2011

April Fool's Scavenger Hunt Cheats!

Hello Penguins, I’m am going to show you how to complete the April Fool’s Scavenger Hunt! Take a look!
To start, go to the snow forts and go into the box dimension!
Once your in the box dimension you will find the first item.
Then, go in the box with the cactus! Once your in, go over and collect the second box!
Then go back into the box dimension, and go into the box with the pencil! Then, click on the big pencil and then the box will appear!
Then again, go back into the box dimension. Go into the box with the planet on it!
Then connect the stars with your mouse!
Then, click on the stapler! then go back into the box dimension and into the box with the funny hat on it! Then collect the box off the chair!
Then, go into the stair dimension!
After that, go into the cream soda dimension, and pick up the tape!
Then into the candy dimension! Click on the spoon, then a box will appear!
Now, you should be able to claim your prize and enter the secret room!
Once, you go in the box, their is a locker click on it and you get a free suit!
Now you have completed the scavenger hunt! But, their is another cheat! Go to the dock, and throw as many snowballs as you can at the billboard!
Then you can get the purple propeller hat! That’s all the cheats!

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