Saturday 12 March 2011

New Club Penguin Candy Bean Counters Secret Levels

Yesterday, Club Penguin updated their oldest game, Bean Counters. Here are instructions on how to find the sneak peek on “Candy” Bean Counter levels just like Pizzatron 3000.
First, go to the Coffee Shop and waddle over to the game Bean Counters and play. On the title screen, click on the bottom of the bean bag, as shown in the picture below.
Then, once you do that, you will see colorful jellybeans fall out of the bag! Check this out!
Then, click on the candy, to get to levels Hard, Expert, or Extreme.
Then, pick your level. There is even new instructions and the game play looks different! Check this out below:
Is this cool? Will they update the other games? What do you think about this secret? Comment below!


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