Friday 11 March 2011

New Club Penguin March 2011 Furniture Catalog Cheats

Today, Club Penguin released a new furniture catalog! Check out the cheats for the March 2011 catalog below:
To find the H.D. TV:
1. Go to page 2
2. Click on the cherry on the Mint Chip Chair
To find the Candy Stack:
1. Go to page 2
2. Click on the Neapolitan Lamp:
To find the Marshmallow:
1. Go to page 2
2. Click on the middle of the donut
To find the Portal Box:
1. Go to page 3
2. Click on the Wishing Well
To find the Clover Balloon:
1. Go to page 3
2. Click on the cloud
To find the Green Clover:
1. Go to page 3
2. Click on the “C” in Clover Garland:
To find the Puffle Posters:
1. Go to page 4
2. Click on the words Pictures to find each color:
To find the Small Rock:
1. Go to page 6
2. Click on the Snow Fortress Wall:
To find the Icicles:
1. Go to page 6
2. Click on the top of the tree
To find the Dream Catcher:
1. Go to page 7
2. Click on the stove button
To find the Holiday Lights:
1. Go to page 8
2. Click on the Coins for Change sign
To find the Holiday Bells:
1. Go to page 8
2. Click on the star
To find the Leaning Tree:
1. Go to page 9
2. Click on the candy cane light
To find the Icicle Lights:
1. Go to page 9
2. Click on the wood
To find the Fireplace
1. Go to page 10
2. Click on the word “Scarf”
To find the Lamp Post:
1. Go to page 10
2. Click on the bird
To find the Ice Sculpture:
1. Go to page 11
2. Click on the top of the lamp
That is all the cheats for this month. Comment on what you like the most!

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