Saturday, 23 April 2011

Club Penguin Reviewed by You: Exploring

Billybob posted on the Club Penguin community blog.
Last week they asked if you were doing something to protect the environment for Earth Day. And they were happy to hear from so many of you. Here's a comment they really liked from Igloogirl3
Next week I am going to try my best to help our environment, because it is very important! I already have ideas - saving electricity by turning off the lights, picking up rubbish that has fallen on the ground, and saving water! But of course, I think Earth Day should be EVERY day, so we can look forward to our Earth lasting longer so our future generations can enjoy it! 

This Earth Day marks the return of the island's favorite pirate explorer, Captain Rockhopper. And that got me thinking... a pirate explorer would probably know a lot about Earth and all the different interesting places on it, wouldn't he? This week, they want to know... If you were a pirate, where on Earth would you explore? 
Write your review as a short comment (50-75 words) They'll pick one comment to feature in next week's Reviewed By You. If your review is featured next week, they'll add 10,000 coins to your account. Don't forget to use your penguin name so they can add the coins! 

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